Unofficial Advisor

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Location: United States

I'd like the change the world, but mostly I live inside my own head. Here are some of the things I think about.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Frist RVs

Dear former Senator Bill Frist,

Isn't your family in the hospital business? Don't you own a hospital, or a chain of them? Didn't your hospital get hit with one of the largest fines in American history, and yet not blink an eye?

So maybe you've got some resources. Maybe there's some money that could be put to good use. Right?

Did you see "60 Minutes" last week? Did you see the story about the two women driving an RV through Appalachia doling out medical care? Doesn't Appalachia run through part of your state? Do you think maybe you could raise a million dollars to help out this effort (even if you don't donate the majority of the money yourself, you could spearhead the effort and use your name to help publicize it)?

This is the kind of healthcare that Republicans proposed instead of Obamacare. "Oh, it'll be taken care of by charity." Well, if you watch the program, you'll see it's not working very well. 

So maybe you could help it work better. Maybe you could reach out to wealthy donors in Tennessee and say "Guess what? I don't want money for politics! I want money to help Tennessee citizens have access to healthcare!" 

I don't care how you feel about Obamacare. If people are in need, they're in need. And if they're in your state, a state you care so much about you ran for Congress to represent it, I think you could do something for it. Even if it's just one RV. Or one RV and two nurses. Or two RVs and four nurses.

Dare to dream. Crowdsource it on the Internet. Put it on Indie-a-go-go and Kickstarter. Find out whether people will rally behind this. Try to make a difference. 

I think you can. Go ahead, do it.