Unofficial Advisor

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Location: United States

I'd like the change the world, but mostly I live inside my own head. Here are some of the things I think about.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Electric Engines in Vintage Cars

There was an article in the Wall Street Journal a couple of days ago about an electric drag racer. The electric engine was put in a Dodge Dart or a Datsun or some such outdated vehicle. This is my idea.

I've always liked the shape of certain cars - the old Volvos (60s); old Jaguars, old Beetles. I think that someone should start a company that replaces engines in old cars with electric engines, making them lighter, cleaner and new again, re-purposing a huge source of bulk waste in this country.

People love old cars and doing this would create a new diversity on the road that would be interesting and exciting to witness. No longer would you occasionally see a classic car; they would be everywhere.

Maybe this is just my own desire to own one of those old Beetles or Volvos and have it be able to run. I'm sure that there is some genius out there that could come up with a way to adapt any drivetrain system to a common power source like an electric engine.

The side benefit of this, of course, is the emissions reduction - all these old cars wouldn't pollute, either.

The other idea is to make them all diesels and convert them to vegetable oil.

How Internships Could Cut Down on Illegal Immigrants

There's an article today in the LA Times about a new federal program to try to weed out more illegal immigrants. The article lists concerns about A) legitimate workers getting caught up in the system, B) a flood of work for the Social Security Administration, clogging it up, and C) the companies ability to pay for the work they would have to do on their end to correct this problem.

Here's the solution: unpaid interns.

I'm sure that there are tons of young Republicans and conservatives out there that could use a summer job or internship and are very concerned about the immigration issue. Companies could tap into this group to find people to work on this process within their company. It would be a win for the company (don't pay them) and a win for the workers (internship; experience - could even be something they could use for a political career). Perhaps a business association could team up with the RNC to create this labor pool.


I love my great ideas. :)