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I'd like the change the world, but mostly I live inside my own head. Here are some of the things I think about.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

My Stimulus Jobs Plan

You want to create jobs? Let's ask the private sector to help out. How? I'll tell you how.

$1m will pay 40 people $25,000.

$10m will pay 400 people $25,000.

$100m will pay 4,000 people $25,000.

Now, get 30 people to contribute $100 million each to hire people. I'm thinking the top 30 people from the Forbes 100 Richest Americans. (Just checked: this would be 1% or less of their net wealth.*)

This is an instance hiring of 120,000 people. What would they do? Well, that can be determined. We could pick 12 cities and give the non-profits in those cities the option of hiring up to 10,000 people. We could hire 10,000 tutors to flood the school systems of those cities (particularly the bad ones). We could create free daycare centers for low-income people looking for work.


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